Slush Cup 2016

Slush Cup 2016

Words & Photos / Johnny Minnery

So, this year I attended Slush Cup and decided to interview people. I also snapped some pictures of the festivities. I asked some basic questions to the veterans, regulars and virgins of Slush and got a wide range of answers. I talked to about 20 or 30 people. Here's a compilation of my findings.



Where are you from?

Anchorage, Alaska BABY!


How did you hear about Slush Cup?

I snowboard this mountain a lot and saw posters for it and didn't think much of it, until I started seeing it on the news and media and thought to myself, “wow, that actually looks like a lot of fun, watching people in crazy costumes launch off a kicker and eat shit into this freezing cold pond.” And I haven't missed one since.


Is this your first year coming to slush cup?

No, this is my 6th year attending spring carnival.


Arctic Man and Spring Carnival are the same weekend. What made you choose Slush Cup over Arctic Man?

Arctic Man is a bunch of motorheads. Slush Cup is a variety of people that all have one purpose: to have a good time. And it feels like everyone is family. Everyone is always in such a good mood and there are never any altercations. Nothing but good vibes here.


Do people just come to Slush Cup for an excuse to get as fucked up as possible?

Yes and no. People come here to have a good time and drink and have fun with their close friends. And people bring their kids and families here to enjoy the festivities, but most people in their 20s come here to get wasted. So, yes and no.


Since you’ve been coming to the Cup, have you actually stepped outside of Sitzmark to watch the competition? Or do you just stay in the Sitz and drink?

Well, both. We make sure we get here early enough to get a table to where we can watch the competition while staying warm and still being able to drink.


Are you just drinking or are you doing some sort of drugs? If so, what kind of drugs are you on?

Molly and Ecstasy are popular at these kind of events because people like to feel good. I see a lot of people doing cocaine so they can last the all day rager. I'm rolling, high on cocaine and also a little drunk.


What has been your favorite costume you've seen this year?

I’ve seen a lot of “Trumps,” which I think is kind of unoriginal. But the best and most original I saw was “Skisus,” a skier that looked exactly like Jesus.


What’s your favorite part of Slush Cup?

Sitting back and watching all the drunk idiots get blacked out until they have to get kicked out.


Are you staying the entire weekend or did you just come out for the day?

I always get two nights at the hotel because you're kind of mellow the first night and start to get in that party state of mind. And then on Saturday, it’s fuckin' go time baby. WOOOO!



Q and A is anonymous. Photographs and Q and A do not correspond.