We stumbled upon Darby Andrews and his RV directly across from the fairgrounds. He directed us to the "Alaska flag flying high." There was no missing it. When we reached the flag, we shared a smoke and I met his friend Dennis. When I asked Darby what Salmonfest meant to him, he said, "Question there is, 'are they still donating to a cause, or is it just a party now?' You know what I'm saying? But, in my head it's still coming together to support the Wild of Alaska. So, what is sustainable about Alaska? The salmon. We do all this raping of the planet for all of these minerals and that's not sustainable. Salmon are the life line of so much of Alaska, and that's just an irreplaceable thing. These events bring together likeminded people that you haven't been able to see all year. We are all grown up and have our own lives now. We aren't just kids anymore. We don't get a chance to see each other as often and party every weekend. This weekend is different though, this weekend we are likeminded people coming together to support the wilds of Alaska. "